AXCEL Narrow


Industry's First 22.5" FWD

With its 14″ front drive wheels and its narrow pivot points, The AXCEL Narrow gives you the outdoor performance of a FWD and the maneuverability of a MWD!

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.

AXCEL Narrow Specifications

22.5" wide front wheel drive chair is easy to maneuver tight spots like narrow hallways and door frames.

Navigating over uneven terrain is a snap with FWD because your 14" drive tires maintain contact.

Tight 90° turns

Large 9-inch rear casters to navigate obstacles and rough terrain

High-performance, independent hydraulic suspension

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Product #P335
Weight Capacity300 lbs.
Seat Width14-20"
Seat Depth14-20"
Backrest Height18-22"
Seat-to-Floor Height17.5-19.5"
Elevating Seat (Optional)12-inch
Overall Length39.6"
Overall Width22.5"
Overall Height41.5"
Turning Radius26" w/o footplate
Ground Clearance3"
Total Weight350-385 lbs.
Max Speed5.2 mph
Battery Size (2 required)MK 50-12 SLD M 50AH
Per Charge Range19 mi.
ControllerR-NET 90A
Charger6 Amp
Front WheelsAnti-Tipper
Drive Wheels14" x 3"
Rear Wheels9"
HCPCS CodeK0861/K0856